Serial Interface Cover
421732-001 | |
Patient Monitoring | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- High quality dust cover for ApexPro™ active antenna Transmitter
- High tear and tensile strength
- Compact and lightweight
- Longer life
Product Overview
Serial Interface Cover is a custom designed part intended for use in a ApexPro CH telemetry transmitter and other medical equipment as applicable. The cover is made up of liquid silicone rubber (LIM6071) with a durometer shore A70 and color of Munsell N7 (light gray). The surface of the cover is finished with texture per Wisconsin engraving UT 7001. The part is compatible with telecommunication and data transmission parts in Apex pro CH machines. The cover is compact in design, lightweight and complies to safety standards. The products unique design helps it to easily fit on metal surfaces for easier handling. The cover is made up of a high quality silicone rubber material that has excellent tear and tensile strength, which makes it well suited for many demanding applications. The products superior quality offers reliable operation, efficient functioning and longer life time. The part is a quality product and proven design.